1. The name of this organization shall be the Democratic Party of the
State of Mississippi.
2. The official emblem of the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi
shall be the picture of facsimile of a donkey with his head and tail raised, a
small white blanket across his back with a black, block-letter D inscribed
upon it, standing inside a black circular bank with the following wordage
inscribed on said band in white lettering running counterclockwise, the
“Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi.”
1. Membership in this Party is open to all qualified Mississippi electors
who profess to support the principles of the Democratic Party.
2. The Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi on all levels shall
support the broadest possible participation without discrimination on the
grounds of race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, economic status,
religion or ethnic identity. The Party shall take whatever affirmative action
may be necessary to ensure and encourage the fullest participation of all
eligible members, and the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of
the State of Mississippi is empowered as hereinafter set forth to
promulgate such rules, regulations or requirements in furtherance of the
affirmative actions goals of this Party.
3. No test for membership in, nor any oaths of loyalty to, the Democratic
Party of the State of Mississippi shall be required or used which have the
effect of requiring prospective or current member of the Party to acquiesce
in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age,
color, creed, national origin, ethnic identity or economic status. No
membership card or dues shall be required of any person as a condition
for being a member of this Party.
4. All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party of the State of
Mississippi shall be open to all members of the Party regardless of race,
sex, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status,
or philosophical persuasion.
5. The Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi and all units thereof
shall publicize fully and in such manner as to assure notice to all interested
parties a full description of any legal and practical procedures for selection
of Party officers and representatives on all levels. Publication of these
procedures shall be done in such a fashion that all prospective and current
members of each Party unit will be fully and adequately informed of the
pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure at
all levels of the Party organization.
1. The structure of the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi shall
consist of an Executive Committee from each County and Congressional
District and a State Executive Committee chosen by delegates duly
elected at each such level.
2. In January 1980, and every four years thereafter, precinct caucuses
shall be held for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates duly
apportioned to represent such precincts at a County Convention.
3. County Conventions shall be held in February 1980, and every four
years thereafter for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates duly
apportioned to a Congressional District Convention and State Convention,
and to elect a County Executive Committee to serve for four years, to
adopt or amend County Party rules, adopt resolutions and conduct such
other business as may come before it.
4. Congressional District Conventions shall be held in February 1980, and
every four years thereafter to elect a Congressional District Executive
Committee to serve for four years, to select delegates and alternates to
the Democratic National Convention as hereinafter provided and to adopt
resolutions and conduct such other business as may come before it.
5. A State Convention shall be held in March, 1980, and every four years
thereafter at a time and place to be designated by the State Executive
Committee to select delegates and alternates to the Democratic national
Convention as hereinafter provided, to select National Committee men and
women as designated by the Democratic National Presidential Electors, to
adopt a platform, to promulgate principles and Party rules, and take such
further action deemed proper by the Convention. The Convention may
adjourn from day to day or to such time and place or times and places as
it may proper and desirable. Delegates to the State Convention shall be
duly apportioned by County, and selected by duly apportioned County
delegate conventions to be held in each County. County delegates and
their alternates shall be certified to the Secretary of the State Executive
Committee and a roll call at the State Convention of the county delegates
and alternates, and no other shall participate or vote in the State
Convention except County delegates or alternates so certified.
6. At least thirty days before the convening of the precinct caucuses, the
State Executive Committee shall issue a convention call for the selection
of delegates to the aforesaid precinct, county, Congressional District and
State conventions in accordance with the Party’s delegate selection plan
and shall announce the specific times and places for said Conventions,
along with the rules of procedure for the conduct of said Conventions.
7. Each participant in any precinct, county, District or other Party
Convention before being allowed to vote or otherwise participate, shall
sign the following statement of principles: “I, ________________, hereby
declare that I am a member of the Democratic Party of the State of
Mississippi and am not affiliated with any such other political Party.”
8. The time and place for al public meetings of the Democratic Party of
the State of Mississippi and all units thereof shall be publicized fully and in
such manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such
meetings shall be held in places accessible to all Party members and large
enough to accommodate all interested persons.
9. The Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi and all units thereof
shall publicize fully and in such manner as to assure notice to all interested
parties a complete description of the legal and practical qualifications of all
officers and representatives of the Democratic Party of the State of
Mississippi. Such publications shall be done in timely fashion so that all
prospective candidates or applicants for any elected or appointed position
within the Party will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for
1. The provisions of this Article shall apply to Executive Committees of
each Party unit, including county, Congressional District and State.
2. The Executive Committee shall be vested with all powers and authority
to conduct the affairs of its respective Party unit until the close of the
regular unit convention next following the election of the members of the
Executive Committee.
3. The Executive Committee shall elect its own officers.
4. The members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for four
years or until their successors are chosen.
5. Vacancies on the Executive Committee may be filled by majority vote of
the members present and voting at a duly called or regularly scheduled
meeting not less than thirty (30) days after notice of the filling of vacancies
is given.
6. The seat of any member of any Party unit Executive Committee shall be
declared vacant by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting
at any regularly scheduled or called meeting of the Executive Committee
upon the happening of one of the following:
a) It is brought to the attention of the Executive Committee in writing
that a Committee member has missed three or more consecutive
regular meetings of the committee.
(b) It is brought to the attention of the Committee that a Committee
member is publicly, actively or financially supporting the candidacy
of any person not running as a Democrat, except in non-partisan
(c) Malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office;
(d) Resignation;
(e) Death of a member;
(f) If a member moves his/her legal residence from his/her duly elected
District, he/she may be replaced.
7. Provided that before the seat of any Committee member is declared
vacant all members of the Executive Committee and the accused member
whose seat is proposed to be vacated shall be given thirty (30) days
written notice specifying the cause or causes in reasonable details to time,
date, place, accusers and witnesses thereof. The accused member whose
seat is proposed to be vacated may make a written request for a hearing
before the Executive Committee, any time within the first twenty (20) days
of such notice, but the written request for hearing shall be received by the
Secretary of the Committee and a copy thereof by the Chairperson of the
committee not later than ten days prior to the date set for such meeting of
said Executive Committee. If such written request for a hearing before the
Committee is so received, then in that event, the Committee shall grant a
reasonable period of time during such meeting before the Executive
Committee shall take final action thereof. If no hearing is requested within
such period of ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting, it shall be
deemed acquiescence by the accused member to the Executive
Committee’s proposed declaration of vacancy and the accused member’s
vacancy shall take effect upon approval of two-thirds of the membership
present and voting of the Executive Committee.
8. Any hearing held pursuant to this Article shall be private or public at the
discretion of the accused member. The Committee and the accused
member may be represented by legal counsel at their own expense, and
such counsel may examine and cross-examine witnesses and present
arguments. All guidance thereof shall be under the authority of the
Chairperson with the consent and advice of the Parliamentarian. The
Committee shall first present evidence to sustain the grounds for vacating
the Committee member’s seat and then the accused member shall present
his or her evidence in defense. The accuser and the accused may then
present rebuttal evidence. The vacating of a member’s seat shall be
based upon substantial, competent and reasonably prudent evidence. All
witnesses shall be sworn upon oath to be administered by the Presiding
Officer of the Executive Committee. If requested, either by the accused
member or the Committee, a Court reporter to record the proceedings at
the hearing shall be obtained upon due and proper filing of cost bond
therefore, and a transcript thereof may be purchased at their own
expense. The Committee shall issue its decision and order in writing. If
the Committee orders the seat vacated, its decision shall include the
findings of fact based upon the evidence presented and shall be served
upon the accused member together with its order vacating the seat within
ten days after the conclusion of the hearing, by U.S. Postage Prepaid Mail,
at the accused member’s usual mailing address. If the decision of the
Committee is favorable to the accused member, the proceedings shall be
dismissed and the decision of dismissal entered into the Committee’s
9. All meetings of the Executive committee shall be open to the public
except by majority vote of the members present and voting of the
Committee to go into Executive Session.
10. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the
Committee Chairperson or by twenty-five (25) percent of the membership
of the Committee. Written notice of the calling of Executive Committee
meetings shall be sent via either e-mail, text messaging, facsimile or the
U.S. Postal Service to all Committee members not less than ten (10) nor
more than twenty-one (21) days prior to such meetings except in
emergencies whereupon the written notice and time requirements may be
waived. The notice shall specify the time and place of the Executive
Committee meeting and contain an agenda.
11. A quorum for any Executive Committee meeting shall consist of thirty-
five percent (35%) of the members of said committee.
12. Upon leaving office, each party officer or employee shall turn over all
Party records, books, finances, and other properties of the Executive
Committee to his or her successor or to the Executive Committee itself
1. All powers and authority to conduct any and all affairs of the Democratic
Party of the State of Mississippi shall be vested in a State Executive
Committee of the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi consisting
of twenty Party members from each Congressional District, seventy-five
percent of whom shall be chosen from delegates, duly apportioned, of the
different Congressional Districts, each District acting separately, at its
respective District Convention and the remaining twenty-five percent shall
be elected at the state convention in a manner and method set by the
state Executive Committee to help ensure balance between men, women,
youth and minorities, and announce at the time of the call to the
Convention. The membership of the State Executive Committee shall be
equally divided between men and women.
2. The Committee is empowered and authorized to conduct and certify
primary elevations and canvass returns as provided by law, certify Party
primary candidate, establish Federal Election Committees and do all other
duties conferred upon it by State or Federal law.
3. The State Executive Committee shall have the power to elect its
officers and shall be the final authority on any questions involving the
Party, its officers, nominees and/or other Executive Committees. The
State Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided, shall have
sovereign, original, appellate and supervisory power and jurisdiction of all
Party matters throughout the State and each county thereof between
Conventions. It is empowered and authorized to prescribe and enforce
rules, regulations and penalties against the violation of Party loyalty,
including the removing or debarring from the Party office or Party privilege
anyone within its jurisdiction, including a member of this Committee, who
violates its rules or its other lawful mandates.
4. The State Executive Committee may review, on appeal, the decisions of
the District, county, and precinct conventions or committees, in all cases
concerning the nomination of officers and all matters relating to rules and
policies as hereinafter provided.
5. Members of the Democratic national Committee from Mississippi, the
chairperson of the Democratic County Chairmen’s Executive Committee
Association and the President of the official Mississippi Young Democrats
organization are ex-officio, non-voting members of the State Executive
6. The State Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis at least
quarterly and upon such other occasions as may be necessary.
7. The State Executive Committee, in the event sufficient cause should
arise, and a majority of the membership of the Committee deem such to
be necessary for the best interest of the Party and the State, is authorized
and empowered to reconvene the State Convention at any time after
adjournment of said Convention but not later than the last day of the year
in which the Convention was held. The delegates chosen from the
respective counties to a State Convention shall continue to be delegates
from such counties to said Convention for a period of not later than the
last day of the year in which the said convention was held. Said
convention may be reconvened upon the call of the Chairperson of the
State Executive Committee at any time if it is deemed in the best interest
of the Party to do so, and the Chairperson shall issue said call for
reconvening of a State Convention only by and with the approval of a
majority of the State Executive Committee. At least fourteen (14) days
notice shall be given by the Chairperson of the State Executive Committee
of the reconvening of the State Convention, such notice to each
Chairperson of the respective county and District Executive Committees.
In the event a State Convention is reconvened as herein provided, it may
exercise all of the power and authority of a regular State Convention.
8. Salaried officers and employees of the State Executive Committee or of
the State Party shall refrain from endorsing or promoting the endorsement
of primary candidates for elective or appointed office prior to their official
endorsement or nomination by the Party. Further, salaried officers and
employees of the Party or of the Executive Committee shall support only
candidates endorsed or nominated by the Party.
9. There shall be established an Administrative Committee composed of
the duly elected officers of the State Executive Committee and the
Chairpersons of all Standing Committees. The Executive Director of the
State Party shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of the Administrative
10. The Administrative Committee shall be empowered to act in behalf of
the Executive Committee in all Party affairs, between meetings of the
Executive Committee, subject to subsequent approval of the Executive
11. The Administrative Committee shall have the authority to hire and
discharge staff, set salaries, authorize the expenditures of funds for the
benefit of the Party where the State Executive Committee has previously
approved a budget to support such expenditures, and it is authorized also
to file the necessary registrations, certifications, and reports with the state
and Federal governmental agencies as are necessary and authorize Party
campaign committees pursuant to Federal Election laws.
12. The administrative Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis and
such other occasions as may be necessary. Members of the State
Executive Committee shall be notified of the time, date, and place of all
Administrative Committee meetings and all of such meetings, whether
regular or called, shall be open to all members of the State Executive
Committee. The secretary of the Administrative Committee within ten (10)
days of an Administrative Committee meeting shall distribute to all
members of the State Executive Committee a summary of the minutes of
such meeting.
1. The Standing Committees of the State Executive Committee shall
consist of not less than ten (10) members nor more than twenty (20)
members on each Committee, and shall be chosen from among members
of the State Executive Committee as follows:
(a) Elections Committee – the function of which is to keep abreast of all
election laws, and to supervise the conduct of primary elections,
the certification of candidates and election returns according to
state and Federal law;
(b) Budget & Finance Committee – The functions of which are to
recommend an annual budget for the operation of the State Party
and to plan, develop and implement fundraising activities for the
State Party. The treasurer of the Executive Committee shall be an
ex-officio member of this Committee;
(c) Party Development & Organization Committee – the function of
which is to develop and implement plans for the strengthening of
Party organization at all levels;
(d) Education & Membership Committee – The function of which is to
develop and implement plans for carrying out educational
activities for citizens of Mississippi and Party members on the
purpose, philosophy, and activities of the Democratic Party;
(e) Young Democrats Committee – the functions of which are to serve
as liaison between the official Mississippi Young Democrats
organization and the State Party organization and to assist in the
development of Young Democrats organization;
(f) Affirmative Action Committee – the function of which is to develop
and implement an affirmative action plan for the Party as hereinafter
(g) Campaign Committee – the functions of which are to serve as a
liaison between duly certified Democratic candidates and the
candidates’ campaign organization during general election
campaigns and to assist in the election of Democratic candidates;
(h) Voter Registration Committee – the function of which is to effect an
on-going process, as well as special, concerted efforts and drives,
for registering as many potential Democratic voters as possible;
(i) Platform Committee – the functions of which are to provide a forum
for discussing issues of importance to Mississippi Democrats, to
bring the results of those discussions to the State Executive
Committee, to develop the process by which a State Party platform
shall be produced and published during each Presidential election
year, and to help provide platform deliberations of the National Party
with input from the State Party;
(j) Federation of Democratic Women Committee – the functions of
which are to serve as a liaison between the official Mississippi
Federation of Democratic Women and the State Party organization
and to assist in the development of Democratic women Federations;
(k) Senior Democrats Committee – the function of which is to serve as
a liaison between senior citizens and the Democratic Party and to
develop an on-going process by which the State Party encourages
the active participation of senior citizens in State Party activities.
2. The Chairperson of the State Executive Committee shall appoint
members and chairpersons to the various standing committees subject to
the ratification of the Executive Committee, provided, however, that each
member of the State Executive Committee shall serve on at least one
standing committee and no member of the State Executive Committee
shall serve on more than two standing committees.
3. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee may name such other
committees, their chairpersons and members as shall be deemed
necessary, subject to ratification of the State Executive Committee.
4. The members of all committees shall serve until elections of new
Executive Committee officers or until their successors are chosen.
1. To ensure fairness and prevent injustice in the internal operations of any
Mississippi Democratic Party organization there shall be established an
Appeals Council of the State Democratic Executive Committee consisting
of five members of the State Executive Committee other than
Administrative Committee members to be appointed by the Chairperson
with the approval of the Executive Committee, whose members shall serve
fro four years unless they resign beforehand.
2. The Appeals Council shall have jurisdiction over all matters of Party
rules and the internal operations of the Democratic Party of the State of
Mississippi at all levels, including the election of delegates or the operation
of the various Executive Committees.
3. Any member of the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi feeling
aggrieved by the action, inaction or decision of any official Democratic
Party of Mississippi unit or organization may appeal such action or
decision to the Appeals Council.
4. No appeal shall lie before the Appeals Council which has not been first
presented in writing to the organizational unit against which the complaint
is made and there has been reasonable opportunity for said organizational
unit to act.
5. All appeals to the Appeals Council shall be in writing setting out the
names and addresses of the complaining parties and the name or
identification of the unit against which the complaint is made, a clear and
concise statement or explanation of the charge or complaint being made
and the relief being sought. A copy of the initial complaint made before
the unit complained about shall be attached to the appeal. The Appeals
Council shall promptly notify in writing the unit complained of that the
appeal has been taken and shall attach to such notification a copy of all
papers mentioned in this section. The unit complained of shall have the
right to answer in writing the charges made against it, and the Appeals
Council shall take no action on said complaint until more than ten days
after the serving of notice of said appeal of the unit complained of. The
Appeals Council shall take no action against the unit complained of
without first having a hearing unless said unit shall fail to answer in writing
within the time aforementioned.
6. The Appeals Council shall be empowered to dismiss the appeal with or
without a hearing. All decisions of the Appeals Council for the purpose of
investigating or taking evidence on the charges presented shall be
rendered only after the giving of reasonable notice to the parties. At least
ten days prior to any such hearing the Committee shall furnish all parties
with a written set of procedural rules for the conduct of the hearing, the
failure of which to do so shall render void any and all actions of the
Appeals Council until written procedural rules are furnished to all
interested parties. The Appeals Council shall not take any action against
the unit complained of without a hearing if such unit within ten days of
being notified of the appeal shall request a hearing.
7. The Appeals Council may fashion whatever relief it deems appropriate
including the removal of any member from office or ordering new elections
at any level.
8. The decision of the Appeals Council shall be final unless appealed in
writing to the full State Executive Committee within ten days of receipt of
the Appeals Council decision. An appeal to the full State Executive
Committee shall be perfected by mailing to the co-chairpersons and co-
secretaries a copy of the appeal request, decision of the Appeals Council
and appeal request filed with the Appeals Council, and the decision of the
Appeals Council shall be held in abeyance until the State Executive
Committee renders final judgment on said appeal.
9. The Administrative Committee shall designate the time and place for
hearing the appeal and shall prescribe the procedure for the conduct of
the review within sixty days after this document goes into effect.
1. Executive Committee officers shall be elected by and serve at the
pleasure of the respective Executive Committee at the first meeting of the
new unit Executive Committee following the unit convention and shall
serve a term of four years or until their successors are chosen, unless
removed by a majority vote of the members of each unit.
2. The officers of the Executive Committee of each Party unit shall consist
of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and
parliamentarian. In addition, the State Executive Committee shall elect an
executive vice-chairperson as hereinafter provided.
3. Chairperson – The duties of the Chairperson shall be those of Chief
Executive Officer. The Chairperson shall convene and preside at all official
Party meetings and shall have such other powers and duties as may be
granted to him or her from time to time by resolution of the governing
4. Executive Vice Chairperson – The Executive Vice-Chairperson shall
share with the Chairperson in the appointment of committee chairpersons
and committee members and in the chairing of the Executive Committee,
shall chair the meetings of the Administrative Committee, and shall have
such other powers and duties as may be granted to him or her from time
to time by the State Executive Committee. The Executive Vice-
Chairperson shall be of the opposite race from the Chairperson.
5. Vice-Chairperson – The Vice-Chairperson shall in the absence of the
Chairperson, convene and preside at all official Party meetings and shall
assist the Chairperson in the management of the business and financial
affairs of the Party. In addition, the Vice-Chairperson shall provide
leadership in Party organization and shall be responsible for political
education of the Party officers at all levels. The Vice-Chairperson shall
have such other powers and duties as may be provided from time to time
by resolution of the governing body. The Vice-Chairperson shall be of a
different race and sex from the Chairperson.
6. Secretary – The Secretary shall be in charge of all the files and records
of the Party and shall keep records of the minutes of the proceedings of
meetings of all official units of the Party including Party conventions. All
records shall be maintained at the office of the Party unit. The secretary
shall preserve such files except such as shall be in charge of the treasurer
and shall open them for inspection at a convenient and appropriate time at
the request of any official of the Democratic Party. A summary of the
minutes of each regular or special meeting of the State Executive
Committee shall be certified by the Secretary and mailed to each member
of the State Executive Committee within ten days of such meeting.
7. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Party
and shall render written accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the
Party to each meeting of the official Party unit Executive Committee. The
Treasurer shall deposit all monies and valuables received in the name of
and to the credit of the Party in such insured banks and depositories as
the Committee shall designate by appropriate resolution. Upon resolution
by the Executive Committee of the appropriate unit, the Treasurer shall be
under sufficient bond in an amount to be determined by the Party unit.
Copies of the Treasure’s report shall be sent to all members of the
Executive Committee of the appropriate Party unit as directed. The
Treasurer shall write checks and expend money of the Party unit only as
authorized by the budget or appropriate resolution and then only upon
presentation of receipted bills, vouchers, or other appropriate written
instruments and upon the countersignature of the Chairperson or other
designated officer. The Treasurer shall be of a different race and sex from
the secretary.
8. Parliamentarian – The Parliamentarian shall advise the Chairperson on
parliamentary procedure at all Party unit meetings and conventions and
shall, when called upon, make parliamentary and procedural rulings as to
the conduct of such meetings.
9. The Executive Committee in State Convention, before the election of
officers for any full term, may, by majority vote, elect to establish the
positions of chairpersons and vice chairpersons as co-officers without
changing the functions of each office to serve a term of four years or until
their successors are chosen.
10. This Article IX hereof shall not become effective until the Democratic
Executive Committee in 1980 succeeds the now existing Democratic
Executive Committee.
1. An annual operating budget shall be approved by the Executive
Committee at the beginning of each fiscal year, and no Party funds shall
be expended for any purpose not provided for in said budget except with
approval in advance of the Executive Committee.
2. No debts or financial obligations shall be incurred in the name of the
Party by anyone except as authorized by the budget or appropriate
3. An audit of all financial records and transactions of the Party unit shall
be made at least annually and at such other times as may be required by
the Executive Committee of the appropriate Party unit.
4. No fundraising activities shall be carried out in the name of the Party at
any level without the prior approval of the Executive Committee of the
appropriate Party unit. Before any Party fundraising activity is authorized,
the Executive Committee shall appoint a person or persons to be in charge
of the receipt and disbursement of monies in connection with such event,
and to ensure a proper, full and successful accounting of monies received
and expended for such event. The person or persons in charge of the
financial affairs of the said event shall keep complete and accurate records
for inspection by any Executive Committee member and shall, within a
reasonable time make a financial report to the Executive Committee of the
said activity or event.
5. The Executive Committee of any Party unit may, by appropriate
resolution, authorize the establishment of one or more campaign fund
accounts for the purpose of receiving and disbursing funds for conduction
general election campaigns, which accounts shall be separate and distinct
from the regular Party accounts and budgets and other provisions to this
article and shall be handled by a person or persons designated by the
Executive Committee. Each such account shall include the special
designation of “campaign funds” in its accounts name. The Party is
authorized to receive and expend funds designated for such campaign
1. The County Executive Committee shall consist of thirty Party members,
six to be selected from each supervisor’s district by the county convention
delegates from each said supervisor’s district acting separately. Within
one year of its election, the County Executive Committee, in its discretion,
may vote to expand the Committee by the election of six members to be
elected from the county at large. The County Executive Committee shall
be the governing body of the county Party unit between conventions.
2. County Executive Committees should meet at least twice each year
and on such other occasions as may be necessary.
3. County Executive Committees shall certify Party candidates on the
county level, shall conduct Party primaries, and shall canvass and certify
election returns in accord with the election laws of the State of Mississippi.
4. Within ninety days after the adoption of this Constitution, County
Executive Committees shall meet and adopt rules not in conflict with this
Constitution. In the absence of the adoption of such rules, the rules
adopted in this Constitution shall prevail. A copy of the rules and any
revisions adopted by any County Executive Committee must be filed with
the Secretary of the State Executive Committee and certified by the State
Administrative Committee and approved by the State Executive
Committee itself before becoming valid. The Secretary of the State
Executive Committee shall maintain and make available for public
inspection copies of the rules of each County Executive Committee on file
in the State Party office.
5. Vacancies on a County Executive Committee may be declared for any
of the reasons and in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article IV
of this constitution.
1. Any Chairperson of a County Executive Committee desiring to select a
Municipal Executive Committee for a municipality within a county which
does not already have a municipal committee shall upon petition of five or
more members of the Democratic Party residing in the municipality call a
meeting of the Democratic electors residing in said municipality, and at
such meeting the members present shall select an executive committee
which shall serve until the next municipal primary election. Each Municipal
Executive Committee shall have as many members as there are elective
officers of the municipality.
2. The Municipal Executive Committee shall perform the same executive
committee function as are specified by law and this Constitution for other
Party units. Each Municipal Executive Committee shall be elected in the
primary elections held for the nomination of candidates for municipal office
and shall be elected by the same election districts by which the elective
officers of the municipality are elected. The names of all persons desiring
to be a candidate for the nomination in the primary elections shall be
furnished to the Municipal Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to
the first primary election. The officers shall revise and prepare the poll
books and ballots, and the managers and other officials of the primary
election committee shall be appointed by the Municipal Executive
Committee and the returns of said election shall be made to such
Municipal Executive Committee. Vacancies on the executive committee
shall be filled by the Municipal Committee.
1. Delegates to the Democratic National Convention from Mississippi shall
be elected in accordance with the applicable delegate selection process
and rules of the National Democratic Party.
2. Seventy-five percent of the National Convention delegates and
alternates shall be elected by delegates at the Congressional District
conventions, each District acting separately. The remaining twenty-five
percent shall be elected at large by the delegates at the State Party
Convention in a manner and method to be designated by the State
Executive Committee to help ensure balance between men, women, youth
and minorities.
3. Delegate selection at any unit level will be in accordance with the rules
of the National Democratic Party with regards to race and sex.
4. The unit rule shall not be used at any stage of the delegate selection
process within any Party unit or delegation.
5. No person participating in any unit or Party affairs shall be required to
cast a vote or be recorded as voting contrary to the person’s expressed
preference or best judgment.
6. At least ninety days before the convening of precinct caucuses, the
State Executive Committee shall adopt and make readily accessible rules
and procedures covering all aspects of the delegate selection process
including, but not limited to, the apportionment of delegates and votes
within the State, the allocation of fractional votes, and nomination of
delegates and alternates, the succession of alternates to delegate status
and the filling of vacancies in delegate positions, the selection and
responsibilities of convention committees, credentials challenges, and
minority reports. The Affirmative Action Committee shall be empowered to
draft and propose to the Executive Committee for ratification by the
Executive Committee a delegate selection plan in affirmative action goals
of this Party.
7. The slate of delegates to the National Party Convention shall choose a
chairperson and vice-chairperson of said delegation, who shall perform all
the duties customarily required of said officials under the usual rules of
parliamentary procedure.
8. Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed as calling for or
prohibiting the State Executive Committee at its option under State Law
from electing to conduct a Presidential Primary and formulating rules and
regulations for conducting such a primary.
1. The Executive Committee, or any specially designates subcommittee
thereof, shall be empowered to certify candidates for primary elections, to
certify primary election returns, and to hear and decide election disputes.
2. No candidate shall be certified to run in a Democratic Primary for any
(a) Who has not met the statutory qualifications to run for such office;
(b) who is not in accord with the principles and rules of the Democratic
Party of Mississippi as set forth in the Constitution and bylaws and the
standards or principles of the Party; and
(c) Who will not pledge to support the candidacy of all Party nominees at
all levels running in the same general election for which nomination is
being sought.
3. No candidate, while holding elective office as a Democrat or as a
Democratic Party official, shall be certified to run in a Democratic Primary
for any office;
(a) who has participated in a primary of any other political party within
the last twelve months by either voting or running for office in such
primary; or
(b) Who has within the preceding four years publicly or financially
supported the election to office of any person not running as a
4. This amendment shall become effective November 9, 1983.
1. In order to implement the affirmative action goals of this Party, the
Chairperson of the State Executive Committee shall appoint and
Affirmative Action Committee whose terms shall run until the election of a
new State Executive Committee or their successors are chosen, whichever
is later.
2. The duties of the Affirmative Action Committee shall include, but not be
limited to, the development of an Affirmative Action Plan subject to
ratification and approval of the State Executive Committee and National
Party; the implementation of the specific requirements of the plan;
publicizing and disseminating timely information about the plan and the
delegate selection process; conducting investigations and hearings into
alleged violations of the plan at any level of Party affairs or activities; and
monitoring the affirmative action efforts of the Party at all levels.
3. The Affirmative Action Committee provided for by Article XIV hereof
shall not be appointed until after the organization in 1980 of the State
Democratic Executive Committee, which shall succeed the existing State
Democratic Executive Committee; and until that time the existing thirty
member Affirmative Action Committee shall serve as such committee.
1. The most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all
conventions and meetings of any unit of the Democratic Party of
1. Bylaws concerning matters not expressly governed by nor in conflict
with this Constitution may be adopted by majority vote of the State
Executive Committee members present and voting.
1. This Constitution may be amended by majority vote of the delegates
assembled at any State Convention or by two-thirds vote of the State
Executive Committee at any Executive Committee meeting specially called
for such purpose, with the proposed amendments submitted in writing to
each Executive Committee member at least thirty days prior to said
1. If any provision or clause of this Constitution or application thereof is
held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications
of this Constitution which can be given effect without the invalid provision
or application; and to this end the provisions of this Constitution are
declared to be severable.
1. This Constitution shall become effective from and after adoption
thereof by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee members
present and voting at a specially called meeting.

Turn Mississippi Blue